Edinet Moldova code

Welcome! You may have reached us perhaps looking for information on international calling codes. To get the answers to these questions, just fill in this box:

To call Edinet in Moldova from United States, dial:
011 373246+ [phone number]

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Type or select a City/Area:
To call Edinet in Moldova from United States, dial:
011 373 + [city|area code] + [phone number]
Check Moldova local time before dialling:

Dialling sequency explained:

  • 011 = United States exit code.
  • 373 = country code to call Moldova from United States.
  • [city|area code] = the city or area code in Moldova.
  • [phone number] = the phone number in Moldova you are dialling to. The format of phone numbers are different from country to country and also depends on whether the called line is fixed or mobile.

How to dial to Edinet - Moldova

  • Step 1
    Check the time. SEven in the evening in your city may sound like a good time for a chat with a friend in Edinet. But what is the time there?
  • Step 2
    Decide how you are going to call. International Phone calls are expensive. It's advisable to get an international phone card, for example, at a drug store or buy one on-line. Don't forget to compare minute rates before you buy.
  • Step 3
    Pick up your phone. If you're going to use an international phone card, dial the number and follow the intructions. Afterward, dial "011", the access code (exit code) for United States.
  • Step 4
    Dial 373 the phone country code for Moldova.
  • Step 5
    Dial the area code for Edinet.
  • Step 6
    Dial the local phone number, and wait a moment for it to ring.
To call from one country to another, you need: your country exit code, the international calling code of the country to where you are dialling, the city area code and finally, the phone number. But don't worry, you just need to fill in the box given below to find out how to dial to any country and many cities of the world.

Other way people finds this information:

  • United States exit code to call Moldova
  • Call Moldova from United States
  • What is the country code for Moldova?
  • Moldova country code
  • Moldova telephone country code
  • Moldova international phone code
  • Moldova phone country code
  • what country is Edinet in?
  • How to dial international from United States